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Beaminster Quire turns back the clock at Mapperton

The clock is being turned back a couple of centuries at Mapperton, near Beaminster, on 19 June.

All Saints’ Church, which is attached to Mapperton House, is hosting an afternoon concert of ‘West Gallery’ music by Beaminster Gallery Quire, who specialise in the lively village church music of former times.

Quire director Ron Emett said: “Beaminster Gallery Quire is part of the modern revival of West Gallery music, as heard some 200 years ago from the galleries of country churches.

“Sung and played by villagers using whatever instruments were to hand, it was necessarily homespun;  yet today it remains strong and vibrant with wonderful tunes and harmonies.

“This is the music so beloved of Thomas Hardy, whose father and grandfather were both gallery musicians at Stinsford in the early 19th century.”

Mr Emett said that anthems, metrical psalms and hymns (many still in use today) have been found in west country manuscripts. With dance tunes and some appropriate readings, they form an entertaining and not-too-serious afternoon of music with some opportunities for audience participation.

Mapperton House was a main location in the 2015 film version of Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd.

The Summer Concert of West Gallery Music is on Sunday 19 June 2016, at 3pm in All Saints’ Church.  Tickets are £7.50 and are available from the Mapperton Estate Office 01308 862645.

The Sawmill Cafe at Mapperton will be open for refreshments.

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