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Mapperton is now closed for the season and will reopen on 30 March 2025. We look forward to seeing you then!

Rewilding Guided Walk

You may already be aware that we are in the early stages of a very exciting, long-term project to “rewild” part of the Mapperton estate.

As part of our efforts to support biodiversity and ecosystem recovery, more environmentally-friendly farming and land management regimes are gradually being implemented, while some areas are being left to allow natural processes to shape the future landscape.

Ecologist Dr Tom Brereton will be leading a “Rewilding Safari” guided walk on the morning of Sunday 17th October. Walkers can expect to see the magnificent herd of White Park Cattle, one of England’s oldest native breeds, as well as spotting the flora and fauna  that is already beginning to flourish in this special area of unspoiled countryside.

About Dr Tom Brereton Tom is a highly experienced ecologist with a lifelong interest in natural history.  He has an MSc in Conservation and a PhD in Butterfly Ecology.  Tom has worked for the Northumberland Wildlife Trust as an RSPB Warden and Reserves Ecologist, as Associate Director of Research at Butterfly Conservation, and more recently as co-founder of Marinelife, monitoring cetaceans and seabirds in Lyme Bay.   Tom is currently a Visiting Researcher at Exeter University, as well as an ecotourism guide, leading bird, butterfly, mammal and botanical tours across the Europe, Asia and North America.  Tom lives locally in Bridport.

Join us for coffee and cake at the Coach House Café at 9.30am before we head off to nearby Coltleigh Farm.

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