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Mapperton opens for the season on 30 March 2025. We look forward to seeing you then!

Kids Take Action at the Mapperton Plant Fair!

Lettie Montagu Abrashi (8) and her brother Leo Montagu Abrashi (6), and their friend Celia Marking (7), organised a stall at the Mapperton Plant Fair on 14th April in aid of the World Wildlife Fund. Lettie was shocked about the devastating effects of climate change after watching David Attenborough’s latest series “Our Planet”. She decided to raise money for the charity by selling home-made Easter biscuits and mixed berry smoothies. But, since it was such a bitter cold day, she also brought out thermos’s of hot chocolate to sell as well (“but please let me recycle the plastic cups!”). She and her friends raised £28.65 for the wildlife organisation. More donations can be made here:
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