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Mapperton opens for the season on 30 March 2025. We look forward to seeing you then!

Sandwich man

What could be the connection between Mapperton and sandwiches? It's all explained in a little illustrated book called 'Sandwich Man' which is now available in our shop. In a word, it was John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who…

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Rosa Niphetos and a plague of dandelions

Lady Sandwich writes: This week I’ll focus on just two things: a special rose in the Orangery and dandelions! The rose in the Orangery is rosa Niphetos, often called the Wedding Rose and very popular in 19th century wedding bouquets.…

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Sunday Times: Mapperton is the real star of Far from the Madding Crowd

[av_image src='' attachment='4722' attachment_size='full' align='center' animation='no-animation' link='' target='' styling='' caption='' font_size='' appearance=''][/av_image] Mapperton features in a long article published today in the Home section of the Sunday Times, which can found by following this link:    

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Mapperton was turned into a farmyard in Far from the Madding Crowd

[av_image src='' attachment='4717' attachment_size='large' align='center' animation='no-animation' link='' target='' styling='' caption='' font_size='' appearance=''][/av_image] Mapperton's elegant front courtyard was turned into a mud-caked 19th century farmyard for the filming of Far From the Madding Crowd, which is released in cinemas on 1 May.…

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House opens for both Bank Holiday Mondays in May

[av_image src='' attachment='4540' attachment_size='large' align='center' animation='no-animation' link='' target='' styling='' caption='' font_size='' appearance=''][/av_image] Don’t miss your chance to visit this delightful manor house when it opens by guided tour to the public on the afternoons of Monday 4th and 25th May. Our knowledgeable…

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